How to Survive a Breakup: Guest Appearance on Velvet's Edge Podcast

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Just to quickly let you know that I was recently a guest on the Velvet’s Edge podcast. If you’ve seen the reality show Very Cavallari (and I highly recommend if you haven’t!), this is Kelly Henderson’s podcast.

I first heard about Kelly’s podcast and blog via the show and love the topics she covers - think style, health, beauty, music, wellness. So good!

I reached out to Kelly to see if she might like to do a podcast on breakups and within a week it was recorded! Kelly was so lovely to speak to and we covered many important elements of getting through a breakup in the episode….

We talk what to do in those very first stages of a breakup, how to handle social media, using a breakup as a catalyst for positive growth and self-discovery and why men often have a harder time than women getting over a breakup.

Hope you can take something from it and you can listen in here!

Laura x